Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Dragon Hunter


     Dusk had finally fallen after a hard day. My own rough footsteps dragged on the wooden panels of a small bridge, stretching over the crystal clear lake below my feet, the shadows of fish moving in a hypnotizing serenity. I kicked a pebble and it bounced into the water, the circular ripple disappearing in a smooth, swift second. I watched as the fish swam away from the movement, only to turn around and fill in the empty space once again as though they knew there was nothing here to harm them. On land there were people like me, people who had a reason to be scared. My hands were stuffed in my denim jean pockets, only to hide a rusty old knife I had found next to a tree with initials carved in it. Like I even needed it, it was just a cover up incase someone decided to think twice and leave me a lone. But if not…well, they’d find that out on their own. It was like they had nothing else to do but seek us out even though they knew where we were. Right where they killed, right where they let us clean up the mess. The Roshin were the reason we had become weak and are forced to serve them.  I sharply turned my head to the water, eyes piercing its gentleness.
     My people had to survive and all they cared about was finding soul mates when they had all of this beauty to save. And they just couldn’t forget the creatures that lived in it! My home was special to me; even though it was the land they forced me into, including a few others that had become good friends. Once I found out what we had in common: wings. Apparently the people’s goal who hunted us was simple. Keep us condemned on land and not in the skies so that when it came to make their trade to the Kirock, they’d be rich once again. The Kirock were the most wealthy community on an island far out to sea north of us. They came to trade every winter, when supplies are scarce. And there was nothing more that they loved better than a dragon.
     “Sierra” a voice came up behind me, startling me so much that I swung out my knife, pointing it at the human target behind me. I gasped, my best friend Victoria stood there calmly, solid as a rock. But so did I, eyes apologetic but fiery at the same time.
     “You still have that rusty old Roshin knife with you?” she questioned, head swaying in disappointment, “You know they haven’t come to feed us in months.” I huffed, stuffing away the knife.
     “They wouldn’t care if we all died, as long as they get their money,” I stated the truth, and she knew it although she shrugged and chuckled playfully,
     “They could at least bring us something decent for once when they do come besides a pitiful rabbit. That wouldn’t even feed a youngin’ of our kind!” It wasn’t like I didn’t agree with her; I had just had enough with humans. They were nothing but a pain. They’ve trapped us, traded us to the Kirock to be slaves, and killed us, even though we destroyed some of their kind to, but only for survival reasons as Victoria tried to explain to me. But I still think it was obviously revenge. “They were the ones who battled us and brought us here, it’s not like they’d change their minds and treat us like royalty.”
     “Ha! We’re far from that at this point” Victoria turned her hand into a fist, viewing the white color that it turned and the flames that sizzled from it as a smile streamed across her face.  A question I still ask her is why we can’t fight back, why we never have. We know the strength we possess; in our eyes you often see it. See them flash in rage and replenished strength that we’ve kept bottled up over the past year. I’ve tried fighting them, and what Victoria keeps telling me seems to be true. That we’ve been cursed to serve man kind, whether we’re Ryogues or not. Ryogues, the word often brings excited shivers down my spine. Always has since I figured out that I was one at the age of five. Normal dragons are powerful creatures, but Ryogues are part human, being able to turn into both. We prefer our human selves, hoping it may be able to spark regret in the Roshin people, although the simple way to tell what we are is the wings on our backs. Now fourteen and tired of never being able to release my powers, there really isn’t anything to do these days. Except plan a way to get away from these people. The only thing exhilarating I’ve been able to do is flying. Not even now unfortunately since every time you raise your wings they shoot from far off, watching our every move at every moment. Flying stimulates all Ryogues thoughts, and keeps them sane. Some how we’ve managed to hang in there.
     “Cursed, what a horrible way to spend our lives” I hiss, flames sparking on my fingertips as I start a small fire, in hopes that they don’t see the lighted blaze. Victoria’s wings were tucked behind her back, moving ever so slightly, the scales instinctively rippling at the feel of the heat, and so were mine.  “How long do you think our power source will last this time?”
     “For as long as we want,” I smile, “I’ll make sure of it this time.” Unable to transform into our full on dragon forms for weeks makes us vulnerable to any heat source. We’re instantly drawn to it, like bees to flowers. Victoria layered her hand over the other on the back of her head, lying against a tree trunk. The same tree the initials were neatly drawn in. Victoria noticed me eyeing the two, simple letters, and how I’ve started thinking about them to much.
    “Come on, Sierra, what’s the chance at the curvy little ‘S’ being meant for your initial?” She challenged me as I stood up, making my way to the tree, “Don’t worry about it, Victoria, I trust you that it’s nothing” I say, pressing my finger against the carved letters, until nothing is left but a smooth black circle, burnt to the crisp. “Love ruins the mind, don’t think about it to much” she laughs, closing her eyes in attempt to fall asleep, patting the ground next to her as I settle in.
     “No chance at all…I hope” I sigh, watching the fire dull out until smoke rises into the air, little diamond-like sparks shooting out of what’s left of the twigs and leaves.
    I wake up to rain, and a slight mist that barely covers Victoria’s shadowy figure standing off to the side of the tree. She was looking out to where the Roshin usually watch us. I understand what she’s looking for, but I just shake my head. ‘There’s no way,’ I think for a few seconds,” Nothing can take out the Roshin!” My head snaps to the side, seeing that the fire smoke was still rising, but you could barely see it. Usually they would’ve put it out once we fall sleep. But this time, no one came.
     “It’s been weeks since they took Annabel and Sorrel, and since then their activity has shortened,” I look up at her, the sad waves of emotion coming from her made me flinch, “You don’t think the Kirock could’ve done something since they took two of our kind for themselves…?” The more I kept replaying my own words in my head, the more likely it seemed. The more it felt like reality.
     “That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Victoria sighed, plopping her self down onto the grass, head being held up by her hand. I sit there in front of the worn out fire, and seeing the past of Annabel and Sorrel being taken in the smoke. I was done being scared. Like I said, I’ve tried fighting them. But when I tried to physically touch them with an outstretched claw; it was like a force field kept them safe. Then again they could touch us if they wanted, and it was truly disturbing to know this.
      “I’m flying over there to take a look-“
      “Are you crazy?” Victoria stood up, her shadow blocking the upcoming sun.
      “No, I’m not. I think that if they’re really gone like we think, then we should have no trouble flying.” I told her, standing up to meet her gaze. I watch intently as the blacks of her pupils waver, actually considering what I had put out there. She crossed her arms and tilted back against the tree, “Ok then, say we do fly over there,” she nods her head in the direction of where they live,” Then what do we plan to do?”
     “Search for Annabel and Sorrel.” I said simply, but I’d only gotten this far.
For a moment Victoria said nothing, eyes looking heavy in a faded state as she looked to the ground, “I’ll go-“
     “Great!” I say, already standing up and spreading my wings far out, to where the strong wind takes them back and the scales shine and glisten with the sun. I’m about to bound into the air and take my first flight of freedom for weeks when she holds my arm and looks at me.
     “Only,” she emphasized, “Only if you promise not to take any risks.” Victoria smiles and soon starts to laugh, she and I remembering the last time when a Roshin threatened to kill me, and I took him on in battle. Nowadays, we just see it as a joke, even though surprisingly, as much as you may not think so, I could’ve died that day. And this is seriously how bad things had become for our kind…
   “Over there! See it?’ Victoria pointed to large, coal colored hut that looked like it had been toppled over. My eyes widen as far as they’d go as I take in the rest of the rural looking town. Burnt. Completely burnt.
   “What happened…?” I thought, analyzing the damage made and the scorched marks, trying to determine what type of dragon had done this. We both knew it was a Ryogue, because even though the Kirock were skilled in the technology of fire, they would’ve never used such an uncontrollable source. “You think..?”
    “Very possible,” I whisper, “Annabel and Sorrel may have not been able to touch the people, but their home…Genius.” I exclaim.  
    “Very! Even though they couldn’t phyisically harm them, the fire could!” Victoria veered her wings and leaning in my direction, bumping against my shoulder, “Hey,” she winked, “Take note of that!”
    “Oh trust me I already have. We may need their idea later.” I could hear Victoria take and let out a deep breath, a ring of smoke coming from her lips once she exhaled. “Do you have to now?” I asked her as she took on her full dragon form. The small spikes of her tail glistening, and her red scales a healthy, fiery color. I couldn’t understand her unless I went to my own form, so she could only nod her head at me, making an excited, gentle roar escape from her mouth as she flung back her head in a back flip. I watched her, my own red Ryogue wings flapping away. I never got tired of feeling the wind that encircled my hips with every stroke, and the sensation of my back moving with the vibration of my wings, the adrenaline of just knowing how special I was…And all this time the Roshin had kept us from it. We were finally free. For now. 

From Within...

                             Chapter 1
     Not again. Tonight I had been thrown out from the Angel night parties, it was a repetitive thing. They never accepted me, mostly because, well—I’m not an angel. I’m a Neko, with the heart of an angel. I've wanted to be one ever since I was little...But lately it’s been so difficult to live on my own. But I do it anyway, since I have no one to run to. So tonight, I lay against a tree trunk, head slightly tilted as I fall asleep at sunset, belly surprisingly full for the first time after sneaking some food from the party before being kicked out. But tonight, life would change.

     I woke up to screeching and roaring and men yelling back and forth. I blinked twice before opening my eyes enough to where I could see blurs and outlines of people—a girl…. with ears like me, and a dragon. This surprised me greatly; so I wearily stood up, sleep still taking over me in a half-conscious state. I rub my eyes quickly so that I could see the action taking in front of me, although they probably don’t see me at all since they’re too busy. I decide that’s a good thing. The dragon roared when I finally was awake enough to run forward a couple feet, only to freeze as the creature fell the ground, eyes closing and the men running away with the strange girl thrashing in thick, leather straps. The last sound I heard was a large screech and hiss before everything was silent except for the occasional wind.
     I ran farther, kneeling beside the dragon. It wasn’t that big, maybe the length of one of those thin trees, and wide as a huge oak tree. It blew smoke out of its nostril in a huge sigh, its chest slowly rising and falling in a thick sleep. It would be awhile before it would wake up, so I went to get some berries or something to hold me over. Depending on how long I had, I’d catch a deer and cook it for the both of us. This was my chance to never be alone again, no matter who or what they were…

  It began to make sounds, barely moving its front claws and wiggling its snout. Maybe because it smelled the meat I was cooking? I let the food settle over the fire I made, running over to the creature, sitting on my legs with my knees into front of me. Suddenly, its eyes shot open and it gripped my leg in a serious grip, almost painful enough to scream. I could have sworn that for the first few seconds I saw nothing but the shine of its pupil and darkness surrounding me…

     My eyes finally focus once more, and the creature’s hand contracted slowly…only, when I saw its form, it was girl instead. I jumped up, a silent scream running around in my head. As its hand was loosening its grip, it looked up with those similar dragon-like eyes.
     “Uh…. Hello? Are—“
     “Where’s Celiex?” she stood up abruptly, small red wings sticking out of her back.
     “Sorry…Who?” I ask feverishly. “Celiex!” she snapped back, “Those ignorant, power-hungry men took her!” Her wings were now large enough for take off, flaring every second or so, but before she flew up, I grabbed her forearm. “Let me come with you,” I told her, not wanting to be left here alone again,” You don’t have to carry me, just tell me where they took her.” A cold stare looked in to mine, a tickle springing down my spine.

     “You’re actually serious… Never met a mortal who cared for a Neko or… Riyu….” She held out a thin, graceful hand, “The Name’s Sora—Meaning sky” I shook it pensively, watching as a red mark streaked across her hand in a second, almost like light reflecting off of dragon scales. “And of course I’ll carry you, you have no wings,” she giggled as a joke. I hastily stopped her, trying not to seem rude or hurt her feelings, “I’m no mortal, Sora, I am a Neko… Who, Uh—wishes to be an angel” I take off my cute, black beret to reveal black ears and untuck my night colored tail that flowed like the wind. She looked over me, almost in disgust at that fact.
     “Hmm, well, that could be a problem.”
     “How so?” I ask. Sora looked away for a moment, gathering her words. “Celiex doesn’t take to other Nekos too well. She’s a rogue…we found each other one day and she was abandoned by her family.”
     “Well, I just hope she doesn’t try to attack me; I have no fighting abilities in my other form… I suppose I’ll take my chances.” Sora nodded, “Well, I won’t let her hurt you when I’m around, she listens well to me, so there’s nothing to be worried about.” I released the tension in my chest at that news, but before we went, we enjoyed a nice meal of deer that I gladly saw that she enjoyed. Sora finished her portion off quickly and held out her arm. “Hold on” She smiled, suddenly taking shape as the semi large dragon she is as I grab tighter to her large neck and was lifted into the skies…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Chapter 2

     “So… You still haven’t told me where we are going!” I yell over the wind passing on either side of me, along with heavy drops of rain soaking me from head to toe.
     “It’s a nearby part of the forest, they always take her there. They’ve tried taking me before, since they see my dragon wings as a human, but ever since I killed some of the fighting men, they’ve left me alone. They took Celiex’s dagger, so she isn’t as strong and they continue to trap her and bring her back to the same place!” Sora explained, “They may be strong, but they sure are dumb. So, what’s your name?” As they were up in the sky, they continued to call out so that they could be heard, “My name?” I ask, “Its Hikari….” Sora snorted some smoke, blowing a small line of flames in front of us so that she could see well through the dark, rainy clouds. The flames gently grazed past my arms before disappearing in the cold air.
     “Tell me what your name means.” Sora told me. “Shouldn’t you know?” I questioned her, since she seems pretty knowledgeable.
     “’Course I do… But I want to hear you say it” She told me, eyes still straightforward as she tipped her wings to the right, swaying in another direction. I sighed, knowing there was no way to hide the one thing that directed me to knowing I should’ve been an angel,
     “Light…Shining light” I mumble, hoping she hadn’t heard me—but she did. I could tell because she twitched her ears, but she said no more.

     A couple minutes later she called for me to hold on tight and we went hurtling toward Earth, my soft, red hair thrashing every which way. When she finally slowed down and landed on the ground, she roared so loud, I’m sure anything could hear her for miles.
     “Go hide; you’ll be injured if you stay!” Sora ordered me, whipping her tail at the men behind her and beating her front paws in the air to scare the men. I retreated—as I was told, though guilt suppressed my stomach as I ran through some silky curtains and into a small hut. There were animal skins as carpets, soft under my thin converses that were very much worn down. What else would you expect after finding shoes in the trash? My amber eyes were so wide, I had to blink multiple times before they began to become wet again. A vial sat quietly in the corner of the room, laid perfectly on a stone shelf, apparently just built since chisels and a hammer lay on the floor. Its engravings were beautiful, I noticed, lifting it gently into my hands, folding it over the glass and running my fingers down its glossy figure, taking in it’s strange—but tempting offer—to drink it.
     A wild screech from outside made me tense up, so I ran to the curtains and took a glance at the action that I feel as though I should be taking place in…’I told Sora that I knew no defenses, I’m sure that’s why she had me shelter in safety?’ I thought tiredly before looking back at the vial. I questioned its contents, so I just stashed it in my jean pocket, besides; it was small. I sustained interest in all of the items surrounding me, so I roamed around some more.
A light had appeared in the corner of the room; a square glass container trapped an item inside. I slowly approached till I was nose to nose with a black, crystallized feather. Although nothing could reach it, once I closed in toward it, it seemed as though a light wind curled its tips in a motherly manner.
     The encasing was too strong to break off—I found out the hard way and ended up straining my fingers until their tips were red and marked with temporary lines.
     “What am I doing?” I said to myself, placing my hands on my forehead, “I’m steeling the men’s precious items out of my own greed and curiosity.” But even though I swore not to take or place my finger on anything else, I noticed another object that I seemed drawn to. This item was twitching, held down by the same leather straps that had held Celiex down the first time I had seen her—The only time I had seen her. To my disgust, my Neko instincts kicked in, (Although I always try to ignore them) and I realized this feeling was coming from outside. I pressed the palm of my index finger on the hard covering of the—dagger? Is that what it was? If so… this wasn’t mine. It was Celiex’s.
     Before I could stop it, the straps unlocked and the dagger flew to my black tail and it instantly folded around the weapon’s surface, the soft enamel making me…. purr?
     “No!” I screamed, trying to pull the dagger from my curled tail. It was making me act more like a Neko than I enjoyed. “I’ve spent too much time ignoring these feelings; I won’t let you destroy my times of effort!”
     “Hikari?” Sora’s voice interrupted my dispute, and most embarrassing—it was with my tail…She walked in, eyes widening when she sees the dagger in my tail.
     “Uh—I can explain!” I almost shout, but my voice becoming hoarse, absolutely terrified to get in trouble. “No need,” Sora giggled, “That dagger must have sensed your ‘Neko presence’ and thought you were Celiex. Its power is still young, so it easily makes mistakes. Soon it’ll know Celiex right down to her core.” She made a silent chuckle, hands on her hips. Celiex walked in unexpectedly, her eyes grazing right over Sora and aiming at me. At that moment, I rated her as the most professional Neko I had ever seen. Her figure was lean and powerful and she took no interest in hiding her ragged light brown ears or thrashing tail. A black band lay across the top-most part of her head, hair slightly waving from the rainy wind that engulfed her from outside. Buckle after buckle caressed her body on her pitch-black outfit that was snug at the top and flared into ruffles at her thighs. A bow an arrow was held to her back by a brown, Indian–styled strap.
     She held out her hand. The dagger that was wrapped securely in my tail was uncurled and flew straight to Celiex. I couldn’t believe my eyes when the dagger rubbed against her hand and purred more lovingly than it had for me. I gulped and let out a breath of relief, not exactly feeling as strange as I did when that thing was held in my tail.  
    “I—uh, so you won?” I asked, voice small and nervous, trying to change the subject without sounding stupid to Celiex. She looked as though she could be easily disappointed. “Sure did,” Sora smiled, walked over next to Celiex and placing her arm over her friend’s shoulder, “And now that Celiex has her dagger, her powers will increase and there’s no way she’ll be able to be captured again, right?” she asked her companion. Celiex didn’t answer, just turned to me.

     “What were you doing with Arashi?” Were the first, cold words that came from her mouth. “A—Arashi?” I asked, never hearing that name before. Sora answered me, “It means storm, a spirit lives inside the dagger. It’s a baby wild cat that is named Arashi,” she looked lovingly to Celiex, who was looking away. “She received Arashi when she was young, they’ve been together ever since. But, since he hasn’t grown, neither have the weapon’s powers.”
     “We’re worried.” Celiex whispered, caressing ‘Arashi’ in her hands. I felt as though I wanted to cry when I glanced into Celiex’s eyes.
     “I—I’m sorry…”
Sora nodded to me, whispering into Celiex’s ear. I couldn’t hear, but I guessed it was about what had happened with the dag—I mean, Arashi.
     “It’s fine; just don’t let her touch him again.” Celiex growled and twisted, storming out of the hut to leave us in silence. I looked down at the floor, hands layered over top of one another and strands of my hair fell across my face. I hadn’t meant to, why was that so hard to understand?
~~~Chapter 3 (I'll send that soon)